Before and after shot of woman who had post-weight-loss body lift surgery

How Long Should You Wait After Weight Loss to Get a Body Lift?

Before and after shot of woman who had post-weight-loss body lift surgeryMany people who lose a significant amount of weight have loose skin once they reach their goal weight. It’s often physically uncomfortable and emotionally frustrating to deal with.

Whether you’re at your goal and currently living with loose skin, or you’re starting a weight loss journey and trying to plan ahead, it’s understandable to want to address the skin as soon as possible. But how long do you have to wait once you’ve hit your target weight? 

At the Plastic Surgery Center of Hattiesburg, Dr. Paul Talbot and Dr. William L. Reno III have helped many patients like you get the shape they’ve worked hard for. When it comes to body contouring surgery, timing is everything. Here’s some helpful advice on when to consider getting a body lift after weight loss.

The Best Time for Body Contouring After Weight Loss

It’s generally recommended to wait at least six to 12 months after reaching your goal before moving forward with a body contouring procedure. But the best timing can vary for each person. Factors like your age, skin elasticity, and how much weight you’ve lost all play a role in determining when you’re ready. That’s why it’s so important to have a personalized consultation with Dr. Talbot or Dr. Reno, who can help you figure out the right time for your body.

Why Timing Matters

This waiting period after you’ve reached your target weight can benefit you in the following ways: 

  • Maximizing Natural Skin Tightening: In those six to 12 months, you’ll allow your skin to tighten up on its own as much as possible. Giving your body time to do so will help you see better surgical outcomes.
  • Mastering Weight Maintenance: The maintenance phase can be as challenging as the weight loss phase, so give yourself ample time to adjust to it and build sustainable habits. This will help your surgery last a long time. If you were to gain the weight back, it would likely undo your results.

  • Prioritizing Your Health: You should be as healthy as possible before scheduling your surgery. Be sure to address any medical issues with your doctor to have a smoother recovery and better results.

You’re Worth the Wait!

Waiting might feel tough, but it’s well worth it. Those six to 12 months will set you up for success to see better, longer-lasting results from your post-weight-loss body contouring procedure. Plus, you’ll be more emotionally and physically prepared for the changes that come with surgery.

When you’re ready to explore body contouring options, schedule a consultation with Dr. Talbot or Dr. Reno. Call the Plastic Surgery Center of Hattiesburg at 601-296-3405 to take the next step toward the body you’ve worked so hard for.