fat grafting; BBL

Fat Grafting and the Brazilian Butt Lift: What You Need to Know

fat grafting; BBLIf you’re getting ready to undergo a fat grafting or Brazilian butt lift (BBL) procedure, it’s important that you know how to prepare for your surgery, as well as what you’ll need to do to support the recovery process after surgery. At the Plastic Surgery Center of Hattiesburg, Dr. Reno and our staff are here to help you look and feel your best. Let’s take a look at what you need to know about the pre and post-operative stages of fat grafting and BBL procedures.

Before Your Procedure

Prior to your BBL or fat grafting procedure, your surgeon will have you undergo a full medical evaluation to ensure that you’re a good candidate for the procedure. It’s important that you closely follow your surgeon’s instructions, including not smoking for at least several weeks prior to your BBL. If you need help quitting, your surgeon can provide you with resources for support. Your surgeon will also recommend staying away from certain medications and supplements, as well as maintaining a stable weight prior to surgery.

After Your Procedure

Your surgeon will provide you with specific aftercare instructions, and it’s important to reach out if you need guidance throughout the healing process. You’ll receive a prescription for pain medication, and your surgeon will direct you on how to best manage your pain. In addition to medication for pain management, your surgeon may recommend compression garments, staying hydrated, and eating plenty of nutritious food to support your body’s natural healing process.

Plastic Surgery Center of Hattiesburg: Here to Help You Look Your Best

At Plastic Surgery Center of Hattiesburg, Dr. Reno and the rest of our care team are here to work with you to help you become your most confident self. No matter what your experience with plastic surgery in the past, our caring, compassionate staff will be with you through every step of your procedure, making your comfort and safety our first priority. We’d love to get to know you and talk with you about how we can help you get the look you’ve always wanted. Reach out to us today at 601-296-3405 to schedule a consultation.


What You Should Know About the BodyTite Procedure

BodyTiteIf you’re struggling to get rid of stubborn fat, BodyTite might be your answer. BodyTite is a body contouring procedure that can remove fat and tighten skin. It’s a popular option for people who want to refine their profile without going through more invasive surgeries. We’ll look at the procedure’s benefits, who it’s right for, and why it’s essential to find the right practitioner for the best results.

What Is BodyTite?

BodyTite uses radiofrequency to heat fat in different areas of the body. Dubbed radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis, the heat serves to liquefy the fat cells so they’re easier to extract. The more liquid they are, the smaller the incisions need to be. The process is similar to liposuction, though it takes less time than liposuction. RF also stimulates the body’s collagen production, making the skin firmer.

With BodyTite, you don’t need to go under general anesthesia, relying on local anesthesia for the treatments. Plus, appointments typically last under an hour, whereas liposuction lasts up to four hours. Because BodyTite can both tighten the skin and remove fat, the results are often dramatic. What’s more, they can look more natural compared to other types of procedures.

What Parts of the Body Is BodyTite Recommended for?

BodyTite can be used on most body parts, though most patients will opt for arms, chest, knees, thighs, face, or stomach. It’s worth noting that it may make sense to combine BodyTite with liposuction. This is typically recommended for patients who want to tighten their skin instead of simply removing the fat. This can make a patient’s transformation more efficient, as they can schedule fewer appointments for the same outcome.

Learn More About BodyTite

BodyTite is an excellent option for anyone who wants to improve their appearance without having to deal with long recovery times or scarring after surgery. If you’re interested in the procedure, it helps to find a practice that’s invested in both the tools and the staff. At the Plastic Surgery Center of Hattiesburg, you can work with a team that can answer your questions about how it works. Call 601-296-3405 for more information, or fill out our contact form!

calf Implants

Calf Implants in Hattiesburg – Everything You Need to Know

calf Implants
Are your calves making your legs look too skinny? Calf implants may be the right solution for you. Our plastic surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Center of Hattiesburg can help you decide if calf implants can help you achieve stronger-looking, more symmetrical legs.

What Are Calf Implants?

Made from silicone rubber, calf implants help give calves a fuller, more contoured look. Your plastic surgeon will place your calf implants just beneath your skin and on top of your calf muscle.

While they cannot make your legs stronger, calf implants can improve the shapely, muscular appearance of your lower legs.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Calf Implants?

Some people have a naturally thin or underdeveloped calf that remains small, no matter how much they exercise or what they eat. You may be a good candidate for calf implants if you:

  • Are physically health.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Are dissatisfied with the appearance of thin calves despite exercise and strength training.
  • Have realistic expectations about the outcome of your calf implant surgery.
  • Do not smoke or can successfully quit smoking before undergoing the procedure.

Calf Implants Provide Personalized Outcomes

Your plastic surgeon can help you create the legs you’ve always wanted. Your surgeon can choose among many different implant shapes and sizes to create different looks. You can get one or two calf implants in each leg, depending on the look you desire. If you have muscle imbalances that cause your calves to look asymmetrical, with one calf larger than the other, you may want different calf implants in each leg.

Many women who undergo the procedure choose to have calf implants placed only on the inner part of the calf, known as the medial aspect of the calf muscle. Placed here, the calf implant creates a soft curve in the calf and makes the ankle appear thinner. Bodybuilders who want a fuller look may have implants placed on both the medial aspect and the outer leg, known as the lateral aspect.

Your surgeon may recommend having other body contouring procedures to optimize your results from the calf implant. These procedures may include liposuction and fat transfer.

See if You’re a Good Candidate for Calf Implants

For more information about calf implants, consult with the Plastic Surgery Center of Hattiesburg. Our plastic surgeons have advanced expertise and use the latest in medical technology to create the most desirable plastic surgery outcomes possible – but we also provide friendly, compassionate care. Make an appointment with our plastic surgeons in Hattiesburg by calling 601-296-3405.


5 Benefits of Getting a Forehead Lift You Shouldn’t Overlook

Unhappy,Young,Woman,Looking,In,Mirror,And,Touching,Wrinkles,Onforehead lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that can significantly improve the appearance of the forehead, brows, and eyelids. It is also called a “brow lift”, although not all brow lifts address the whole forehead.

While some turn to temporary solutions like BOTOX to paralyze facial muscles, others want a longer-lasting solution to their forehead complaints. This is when the benefits of a forehead lift shine through.

1. Eliminate Noticeable Creases

A forehead lift raises the skin on the forehead and brows. This pull removes creases from the face for a smoother, more refreshed look above and between the brows.

2. Take Years Off Your Appearance

As skin loses its elasticity as you age, gravity pulls tissues down and out. The person you see in the mirror can reflect the youthfulness you feel inside with a forehead lift.

3. Restore a More Rested Look

Humans rely on facial expressions as social cues to how others are feeling. A sagging forehead can give people the impression that you’re tired, angry, bored, or disappointed. Have you been hearing “you look tired” more often? A forehead lift may be the solution you’re looking for.

4. Tighten Skin Around the Eyes

The results go beyond the forehead to reposition the brows and lift the eyes. You may not need a blepharoplasty (eye lift) because this procedure can address multiple facial areas simultaneously.

5. The Results Are Lasting

This is a same-day outpatient procedure that typically takes one to two hours. However, results can last for years and rarely require revision.

Get a Forehead Lift Consultation in Hattiesburg

To find out if you are a candidate for a forehead lift in Hattiesburg, MS, please call the Plastic Surgery Center of Hattiesburg to arrange a consultation with experienced plastic surgeons Dr. Reno and Dr. Talbot. Contact us at (601) 296-3405 or complete the online form.